I know you don't care, but I went through the tro



1.  Your spouse is sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?  

ESPN, ESPN2, NatGeo, History Channel, Food Network (my influence)

2.  Who takes longer showers, you or him?  

Totally me, but I will totally know if I'm supposed to wash my hair or not.  He's got systems, but he sometimes can't remember if it's hair washing day.  And I'm shaving in the shower ... totally skews the results.

3.  What is one food your spouse doesn't like? 


4.  What would your husband say is the first thing that caught his eye about you?

He saw a photo of me in a Nativity play (I was Mary) and thought I was pretty ... his sisters knew me and totally tried to talk him out of it.  His sisters are some of my best friends now.  :-)

5.  Where did he go to high school?

Brecksville HS and St. Gertrude Academy

6.  What is his shoe size?


7.  If he were to collect something, what would it be? 

He doesn't collect anything, really, but he could maaaaaybe be talked into collecting tennis racquets.  Or cars.

8.  What is his favorite type of sandwich?   Does Chipotle count?  OK ... corned beef and rye from Simons in Cleveland.

9. How does he take his coffee? He doesn't drink the stuff ... but I have talked him into sharing Caramel Macchiato with me.

10.  What is his favorite cereal?   Grape Nuts flakes, Cap'n Crunch

11.  Where did he go to college?   Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland State University

12.  What is his favorite sports team?  Pittsburgh Steelers, Ohio State (football), Cleveland Cavs

13.  Where was your first date?  Coffee at Perkins.  Shut up, it was romantic. 

14.  What is something I do that he wishes I wouldn't? 

15.  What is his heritage?
Polish.  English

16.  You bake him a cake for his birthday, what kind is it? 
Angel Food cake.

17.  What could he spend hours doing? Working.  Playing tennis.  Watching football.

18.  What is one unique talent he has? He can tell you who sings just about any song, and he will recognize the song in 2 beats.  Pick just about any era.

19.  Where is his favorite place he has traveled?  Jekyl Island, GA.  or San Diego.

20.  What is a clothing item he would never wear?
Sandals ...but I'm working on pool shoes.  Tennis shoes and socks gets old.


This is a fascinating article, well written and such food for thought.  I encourage you to read the whole article and watch all the clips.


While I was watching, I wondered ... if I were there, would I be one of the passers-by?  Or would I have stopped to listen and throw in a few bucks for the pleasure?  I listened to the pieces on Rhapsody, and they suit my preferences so precisely that I have a hard time thinking I would not have stopped to listen ... but who can say what they would do if they were on their way to work, late perhaps?

Makes you wonder if this is what humans look like to God when He sends beauty and blessings into their lives ...  The most fascinating part was the part about kids.  We have so much to learn from them.




Valentine's Day is one day that my husband can completely ignore, and I would never hold it against him.  It holds no meaning for me, save for the fact that it is the feastday of a Catholic Saint.

But to continue the trend of his insanity, he came home with a present for me yesterday.  He claims it was for Valentine's Day, but I suspect that he's been looking around for something since my birthday.  (He doesn't always consider it necessary to buy my something on the other days either.)

Guess what I got?


A laptop!!  My not-so-subtle hint worked!

I don't know that I needed it so much, except an extra computer has been considered for some time since I use mine for school.  And why not a laptop?  I could blog from the pool this summer.  I could do Quicken on the couch as we watch Food Network at night.  I could blog at the park!  Life is going to be sweet this summer ...


I find that reentry into blogging after an absence is a lot like getting back on that diet once you've gone off.  It's like what I imagine quitting smoking would be like, too.  The first time, your resolve is good.  You got that health scare or that look in the dressing room mirror to scare you straight, and you go at it with both guns ablazing.  But then you go away from it for whatever reason, and getting back on that wagon is so much harder!

I have started several drafts and didn't finish, so now I'm having to resort to bullet points to catch you up.  Do you mind?  Consider it necessity, because sometimes one of the things that keeps me from blogging is that I'm overwhelmed with the thought of how much I should catch you all up on.

1. Our Steelers won.  We cheered.  We screamed.  We were in disbelief.  And then like so many other gratifying things in life ... in just a few days you kinda forget that it happened at all and have to admit that it really didn't impact your life that much.  Oh who's kidding whom ... I'm only a fan because I love to see the kids (and Matt) all happy when the Steelers win.

2. We have Chicken Pox.  We got them on purpose, and it downright exciting waiting for those little blisters.  Noelle has a good case of them, and Jonny has only a few.  The jury is still out on the other two.

3. I have rediscovered my love for entertaining.  Lately we seem to be Party Central for our homeschool group because our house accomodates so many and because we are centrally located.  It's been fun, and it's keeping my house really clean!

4. I'm so very annoyed at the media handling of the Octuplet story.  I guess it just hits kinda close to home.  I would not be bringing them into this world as a single mom, nor in the manner in which she has chosen to do it.  Also, I think there is a reason that God does not naturally send that many babies to one woman at once under natural circumstances.  HOWEVER, perfect strangers are angry with this woman for not KILLING her babies (humanely called 'selective reduction of a pregnancy').  Perfect strangers are irritated with her, even though she has insisted that she will not go on welfare.  She actually seemed quite responsible to me, and quite the loving mother.  Imagine the American public thinking they have a SAY in what this woman does with her body when abortion is legal.  And the way the media asks the questions, with a glint in their eye and a condescending tone ... disgusting.

Many, many Americans are on welfare with fewer kids, but somehow that doesn't make the news as a personal interest story.  Many, many Americans are in so much debt that they are unable to pay their mortgages, thereby putting the burden on fellow taxpayers, but somehow that doesn't make people demand they kill off their children.  And if America had it's way, I'd not have many of my beautiful babies either.  I didn't have them all at once, but believe me, it was FAR too close and too many to make most people comfortable.

Here's a good article on the topic.



Step1: go to this link.


Step 2: Let it buffer and then stop it at the 2:21 minute mark.

Step 3: You won't understand the Italian, but you will remember the cartoon.

Step 4: Come back to my blog, scroll down and feel it.





























































Around here, if you’re not a Steeler’s fan, you’re not having fun.  Matt has been a Steeler’s fan for years (it all started with a teenager trying to irritate his father), and it has really rubbed off on the kids.  This year, it has even gotten to me.  It’s fun to have your team go to the Superbowl!  The kids have been so psyched, and really getting into it.  Game day is gonna rock!


Cabin fever is at an all-time high around here.  Maybe we have no excuse, since we just went on vacation, but it takes more than one week in SC to make you not notice that the windchill is -1 outside.  It doesn't help that I was sick for a day and a half -- and I do mean sick.  In bed.  Kids running the house.

Mom being sick around here is harder on them than it is on me.  (Well, maybe.)  People get crabby, people fight, people get depressed, husbands start to wonder if he's going to lose you ... (36 hours!!!)  It's a good exercise, I guess.  Lying in bed motionless, aching in every cell makes you appreciate you ability to do housework (which is always a mood-lifter for me, strangely).  It makes your kids appreciate your presence -- even if you're crabby, it's better than "not there."  And your husband tells you over and over again how great it is to have you back, and not just for the work aspect.  He's very sad without me ... is it wrong that I think that's just great? :-)

Today I am back to my old self, except now there's a serious cramp in my neck from lying abed for too long.  I know you don't care about that, but it's keeping me from thinking of anything else to write!  My neck hurts, my neck hurts, my neck hurts ... isn't that what you're supposed to do when you have writer's block?  OK, ok ... I'll end your misery.  I have stuff to do anyway.  Just wanted to stop in so you don't stop stopping in.


Oh, and in case you're wondering ... yes, the end of Julia's poem was about death but she wasn't in a suicidal mood.  :-)  She handed it to me quite cheerfully and proud.  It's just that she's really got a poet's soul.  She was lying in bed with her face buried in a pillow, and noticed that her breath got very hot ... which led to the cool breaths, which led to a diversion into the different roles of breath, including the breaths of a dying person.  She's deep, but she's not macabre.   Thanks for the compliments.


Cool, crisp, life sustaining,

Frigid, sharp, oxygen containing,

Hot, stifling, strained,

Burning, smothering, pained,

Slowing, thinning, almost done,

Inhale, exhale ... none.


by  (wait for it ...)









Julia Ziebro (age 12)
My child is amazing.


Instead of New Years Resolutions, I am posting the following that I found somewhere.  It's so appropriate to my life, and a nice set of goals.


    1. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day.  And while you walk, smile.  It is the ultimate anti-
    2. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.  Talk to God about what is going on in your life.  
Buy a lock if you have to.
    3. When you wake up in the morning complete the following statement, 'My purpose is  
to__________ today.  I am thankful for______________'
    4. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
    5. Drink green tea and plenty of water.  Eat blueberries, wild Alaskan salmon, broccoli, almonds &  w
    6. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
    7. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative 
thoughts or things you cannot control.  Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
    8. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid with a maxed out 
charge card.
    9.. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
    10. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
    11. Don't take yourself so seriously.  No one else does.
    12.  You are not so important that you have to win every argument.  Agree to disagree.
    13. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
    14. Don't judge or compare your life to others.  You have no idea what their journey is all about.
    15. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
    16. Frame every so-called disaster with these words:  'In five years, will this matter?'
    17. Forgive everyone for everything.
    18. What other people think of you is none of your business.
    19. GOD heals everything  - but you have to ask Him.
    20. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
    21. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick.  Your friends will.    Stay in touch!!!
    22. Envy is a waste of time.  You already have all you need.
    23. Each night before you go to bed complete the following statements: I am thankful 
for__________.  Today I accomplished_________.
    24. Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed.
    25. When you are feeling down, start listing your many blessings.  You'll be smiling before you know 