Yeah so that ballet …
I knew I was creating a memory for my girls that would last a lifetime, only I thought it would go like this:
“When I was “x” years old, my mom took us to see a beautiful, elegant ballet. Then we went out to lunch and had the greatest time …”
Not like this:
“When I was “x” years old I was forced to see waaaay too much of some guy’s butt and …er … package. It was so distracting that it took me several minutes to get over it. In fact, his pants were so tight that I actually asked my mom if he HAD pants on.”
Oh well. The girls all showed their maturity and got past it. They all enjoyed the ballet, in spite of the … revelations … and we all really, really loved our first girls’ day out. Without the little ones. It’s the beginning of a bright future.