Yeah so that ballet …

I knew I was creating a memory for my girls that would last a lifetime, only I thought it would go like this:

“When I was “x” years old, my mom took us to see a beautiful, elegant ballet.  Then we went out to lunch and had the greatest time …”

Not like this:

“When I was “x” years old I was forced to see waaaay too much of some guy’s butt and …er … package.  It was so distracting that it took me several minutes to get over it.  In fact, his pants were so tight that I actually asked my mom if he HAD pants on.”

Oh well.  The girls all showed their maturity and got past it.  They all enjoyed the ballet, in spite of the … revelations … and we all really, really loved our first girls’ day out.  Without the little ones.  It’s the beginning of a bright future.

12/16/2008 01:45:06 am

That is so funny that someone thought he didn't have pants!

I remember I was weirded out by that too when I was little, because I thought it was just that guy who wore such tight pants.

Then it was explained to me that all ballet dancers dress like that because dance is silent and they are telling the story with their bodies.

12/23/2008 12:26:57 pm

Huh-larious! I remember having the exact same thoughts the first time I saw a ballet... I guess all girls have to go through that at some point in our lives.

So cute. :)


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