We had our parish priests over for dinner tonight. It's a nerve-wracking thing, unfortunately, when you have so many uncontrollable factors involved. Seven, to be exact. J It’s too bad, really, that my reaction is to be a little nervous … I mean, the priests are of goodwill on all fronts. They were most grateful and cordial, of course … most endearing qualities in any guest.
The meal began with it’s usual clamoring for this that and the other thing. I told them to brace themselves for dinner our way. They both love children, it’s obvious, and seemed quite pleased and at home at our table. It was especially enjoyable to hear them reminisce about the “old times” with Matt, whom they have known for more than 25 years. He lived with them for a while, taking care of boys that boarded in order to attend the parish school … I guess that explains his obvious lack of nervousness and his ease with them.
At first Matt had proposed taking them out to dinner, but I was glad when it turned out otherwise. Having them at our own home was a great opportunity to show the children what an honor it was to have them here, to show them that they aren’t scary, and to give them the opportunity to show off their hostessing/table manners. I was very impressed with all the kids’ behavior!!
In other news …(not so exciting stuff, I know, but I’m trying to stick to my new school year resolution to keep you in the loop). We have a showing tomorrow and an open house on Sunday. We are seeing the following three houses on Sunday. No news means … no news. Nothing’s happening. I feel like that woman in “Best in Show” that’s just standing by eating and “waiting for a signal”.