Does anyone else feel like they should go ahead and just co-habitate with their senators?I mean, seriously.Apparently I should be talking to them every hour.I currently have about 7 emails in my inbox from the last few days telling me that in some way or another our country is going to Hell in a handbasket and I should start screaming really loudly so that doesn’t happen.
It's not like I don't take it seriously, or that I don't want to do it. It's just frustrating when you have a mere few hours to CHANGE THE WORLD, and yet you have to get kids to tennis, stop fights, make lunch, etc. Perhaps I should just get a direct line, " Hey Bill, it's me again. So I'm thinking you'd better not vote for that one or I'm going to have to start a smear campaign in this hometown of yours." Yeah, I daydream about scare tactics and big influence. How else is a housewife supposed to keep herself motivated to keep calling when it doesn't seem to do a thing!
I guess getting a good president in can really save you a lot of crap, eh?Go Ron Paul for 2012!
You have enunciated my thoughts on the subject of contacting congressmen about every bad bill perfectly!! They have the power now, and our little phone calls and e-mails do not effect them.
8/16/2009 03:11:31 am
I totally agree with Mar's comment.
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I am a hip mom of seven, and this is a slice of my life!