I was supposed to have pictures of my house up by Monday, and I've gotten one taken.  Ugh.  That's how my life is lately ... I think I have so many hours in a day and all I have to do is get a few of them done, but heellloooo ... that's all you can GET done when you're also trying to keep seven kids from boredom and mess making.  Mess-making would end the boredom, for sure, but then ... well, you know.

This morning we did dentist appointments and enrollment for Jonny in kindergarten.  Then we stopped home for quick chores, and now I get to go do the most fun thing of all: house hunting.  It's a hassle, yes, but there's nothing more fun to me than the prospect of finding my future home.

Here is the property ... I've walked the outside already.  It's in need of some work, but what's so exciting is the property and area.  It's beautiful.  And it's also kinda exciting to think of the possibilities in the fixing it up department.


So since I didn't stick to my goals of picture taking, let me try to give you something else instead.  I love this quote, and I'm thinking it's pretty true.  I will try to post those pics soon!

Our self image and our habits tend to go together. Change one and you will automatically change the other." Dr. Maxwell Maltz
1899-1975, Author

6/15/2008 09:43:21 pm

I'm so tired just thinking about your life and then you write this; "And it's also kinda exciting to think of the possibilities in the fixing it up department." You amaze me!


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